Welcome to SunSpot, the free Crieff Cloverleaf weather forecast tool.
On any given day, the weather across Scotland can vary a lot. Each Crieff Cloverleaf route takes a different direction out of Crieff. The weather you'll encounter may well depend on the direction you choose to ride. SunSpot is our tool for helping you pick each day's adventure!
Our SunSpot maps show the weather you're likely to encounter on each route, as you go along. SunSpot assumes that you'll ride each route at an average pace, in the standard direction. Our route forecasting algorithm allows half an hour for morning and afternoon rest stops, and one hour for your lunch break.
SunSpot provides forecasts for today, tomorrow and the day after, to help you plan your rides. Tomorrow's forecast should get more accurate as today goes on, so we recommend checking the SunSpot forecast this evening, and again first thing tomorrow before you ride.
The raw weather data feed that we use to create our maps is provided by WeatherAPI.com.
SunSpot's predictions aren't guaranteed to be 100% accurate, but hopefully they'll point you in the right direction (literally!)
Weather Key
Sunny / partly sunny
Lovely! Go forth and bask.
Cloudy / overcast
You should stay (mostly) dry.
Light showers / light rain
You could get a bit wet.
Heavy showers / heavy rain
You could get very wet.
Snow / sleet / hail / lightning
Basically, horrible. Avoid!
New maps are generated every 3 hours. Please refresh the maps pages to see the latest available maps.
Slept in, did we?!
Sorry, it's too late for any more maps for today.